View cached web pages/website

How to find cached version of website

To see in cache

Specify website to find its saved pages in cache

What the purpose of WebArchive

Why are people looking for cached version of web pages? There are different reasons:

  • Website is not responding, problems with availability, but you need data from website as soon as possible.
  • Website was blocked, owner forgot to renew domain or you need to restore lost pages.
  • You want to restore drop domain and its old content.
  • Website has been hacked. You want to restore content.

View cached web pages in Google Search Results

google cached web pages

Google regularly saves website pages in special cache. It means that their program makes copy of web pages and store it on their servers for a while. It's really helpful feature, which can help both users and owners of website (for example, you can see how the cache of the website has changed over time). Users can visit website if it's even it's not available now. Website owner can restore important content, which was deleted accidentally but luckily cached by google cache.

To find website in WaybackMachine cache

Web Archive cached web pages

WaybackMachine service is similar to Google's cache, but more specialized. It's main task is to make Snapshots of the website at regular intervals. If Google provide us only last saved version of the page, in Web Archive service you can navigate the timeline throughout the entire life of the site. And it's possible to see, how the website looked 5 years ago, if web service took a "snapshot" of the website at that time. great project and if you want to help cahing some page it has special submit form.

Find a site in the cache cached web pages - service similar to WaybackMachine. Takes a "snapshot" of a web page that will always be online, even if the original page disappears. Retains text and a graphic copy of the page for greater accuracy and provides a short url.

To find website in cache

View web pages in timetravel cache

Time Travel will help you to find and see versions of web pages that were in the past. Service similar to WaybackMachine