OpenTelemetry-Native Traces, Metrics, and Logs in a single pane

A single tool for all your observability needs - APM, logs, metrics, exceptions, alerts, and dashboards powered by a powerful query builder.


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One Stop Observability

You don’t need to manage multiple tools for traces, metrics, and logs. Get great out-of-the-box charts and a powerful query builder to dig deeper into your data.

  • Out-of-box charts for application metrics like p90, p99 latency, error rates, request rates, etc.
  • Monitor RED metrics for key operations in any service
  • Monitor database and external calls made by any service
  • Service maps to show application topology
Distributed Tracing
Distributed Tracing
Metrics & Dashboards
Metrics & Dashboards
Logs Management
Logs Management
Exceptions Monitoring
Exceptions Monitoring

SigNoz is OpenTelemetry-Native

But why OpenTelemetry

OpenTelemetry is the second most active project in the CNCF, with only Kubernetes being more active.

No vendor lock-in

No vendor lock-in

Using an open source standard frees you from vendor lock-in.

Ease of use

Ease of use

Use auto-instrumentation libraries of OpenTelemetry to get started with little to no code change.

Covers all use-cases

Covers all use-cases

OpenTelemetry is a one-stop solution for all your telemetry needs.

Standardize Observability

Standardize Observability

A single standard for all telemetry signals means increased developer productivity, consistency across teams.

Get granular control over your observability data.

Built for developers like you.

figure for devs

Query Builder

Write queries on all telemetry signals. Run aggregates, and apply filters and formulas to get deeper insights from your data.

figure for devs

Columnar Database

SigNoz uses ClickHouse - a fast open source distributed columnar database. Ingestion and aggregations are lightning fast.

figure for devs

Telemetry Pipelines

Build telemetry pipelines easily with SigNoz OTel Collector. Integrate any existing pipeline with OTel Collector to send data to SigNoz.

figure for devs

Source Code

Check out the entire source code of SigNoz on GitHub. Create issues, build features & integrations, get started without contacting any sales rep.

Worried about data protection laws? We can help.

For SigNoz Cloud

Send data to your preferred hosting location

Store your data in the US, EU or India region depending on your needs.

flag of hosting availableUS Cloud
flag of hosting availableEU Cloud
flag of hosting availableIndia Cloud
Try SigNoz Cloud

For Self-Hosted

Have your customer data in your infra

You can self-host SigNoz or opt for our managed self-hosted offerings to have complete adherence to data privacy and regulation laws.

data privacy availableData Privacy

Enterprise Grade Observability

Get access to observability at any scale with advanced security and compliance.

  • SSO and SAML support
  • Query API Keys
  • Advanced Security
  • AWS Private Link
  • VPC Peering
  • Custom Integrations

Pricing you can trust.

Tired of Datadog’s unpredictable bills or New Relic’s user-based pricing? We’re here for you.

No user-based pricing

Add as many team members as you want.

Simple usage-based pricing

Only pay for the data you send.

No special pricing for custom metrics

All metrics charged simply at $0.1 per million samples.

Developers ❤️ Open Source SigNoz

Join our huge open source community and nerd about observability

GitHub Stars
Community Members


We love what people are saying about SigNoz

Profile of Aditya Tripathi

Aditya Tripathi

Founder & CEO at Climactic

It was a breeze working with SigNoz! The team has also been very helpful. Good product!.

Profile of Aloysius Coelho

Aloysius Coelho

IT Infrastructure Engineer

SigNoz - Serious consideration over Grafana and WatchDog.

Profile of Pawan Bhadauria

Pawan Bhadauria

VP - Engineering, Outplay

We are using Signoz at Outplay & our experience has been great. It has 5.4k stars on Github.

Profile of Anselm Eickhoff

Anselm Eickhoff

Software Architect

NewRelic: receiving OpenTelemetry at all takes me 1/2 day to grok, docs are a mess. Traces show up after 5min. I burn the free 100GB/mo in 1 day of light testing. @SignozHQ: can run it locally (∞GB), has a special tutorial for OpenTelemetry + Rust! Traces show up immediately.

Profile of Rachid Zarouali

Rachid Zarouali

Docker Captain, Microsoft Azure MVP

A new and yet powerful #observability #opensource alternative has born in the name of SigNoz. It could offer a serious challenger to Datadog / New Relic and other SaaS solutions.

Profile of Apoorva Kumar

Apoorva Kumar

Lead Backend Infra Eng, NuCash

Just deployed SigNoz to an EKS cluster.Still can't believe this is free, everything works like a charm. I am really really impressed with the documentation and dashboard.

Still in awe. Sneak peek into running the product, you can easily set retention period for metrics, traces and logs with one click and set cold storage for old logs to s3 with few config changes.

Profile of Faris Hassan

Faris Hassan

Lead Data Scientist

What's better than #datadog? Open source! I know @SignozHQ what else out there? #opensource


Latest in OpenTelemetry

YouTube's thumbnail image for the video.

OpenTelemetry Webinars: Getting started with OpenTelemetry.

YouTube's thumbnail image for the video.

Gathering data with the OpenTelemetry Collector.

YouTube's thumbnail image for the video.

Implementing Distributed Tracing in a NodeJS Application using OpenTelemetry

OpenTelemetry-Native Metrics, Logs, and Traces in a single pane of glass

Check out our hosted and enterprise solutions.