Keep Microsoft Teams status Available instead of away using PowerShell

It is one of the things I hear my colleagues, and even my girlfriend, mention regularly... Why does Microsoft Teams think I'm away while I'm not / My PC isn't locked yet... I read a few solutions, setting your status duration to a date in the future, etc... Didn't work 🙁 What does work is running my simple PowerShell scripts, which I will show you in this blog post 🙂

Deprecated PowerShell Modules and Azure AD Graph retirement

You created a script or function a while back that people in the company use a lot, and suddenly... They come to you telling you that it doesn't work anymore. 🙁 The module you used has become deprecated, cmdlets don't all work anymore, etc. In this blog post, I will show the three most prominent modules that have become deprecated and where you can find good information about the successor to adjust your scripts.

Report on Non-Compliant Intune devices

I received a question on the Microsoft Tech Community forum regarding creating a report about non-compliant Intune devices. The report should give insight into what device has what issue with which setting; the person asking the question was already working on a Microsoft Graph script but couldn't find a suitable way. In this blog post, I will show how to create this report. There are other scripts out there, but I always like a challenge (And Microsoft Graph can be quite a challenge sometimes 😉 )

Report from which PowerShell module the cmdlets are from

We all encountered this: you get a script or function that uses a certain cmdlet... And it fails because the cmdlet is not recognized 🙁 But which module should you install to get the script working? Or does your script install or import all the required modules? In this blog post, I will show you how to check from which module(s) the cmdlet(s) originate and if they are present on your system or if you should install them.

Installing Windows Updates on all your Hyper-V lab VMs using PowerShell and PSWindowsUpdate

I'm a Consultant who does a lot of Intune testing, and I use Hyper-V on my laptop with many VMs in customer environments. Some VMs are used more than others, but when you turn them on after a few weeks... They need updates and restarts, and I wanted to automate that process so that it … Continue reading Installing Windows Updates on all your Hyper-V lab VMs using PowerShell and PSWindowsUpdate