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Puter (puter.com)
858 points by 6581 on Dec 2, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 219 comments

I am the author of the "app" called Puter which loads up Puter inside Puter, which then loads up the Puter app again, which ...


Thank you for changing it. It was causing a DDoS on Puter :(

It was? Oops :(

(Those were both the same app and have been for months. I just claimed Puter after PuterPuter way back when.)

Could it be... that I did the whole geo-replication because of this app? :')


I think you could solve it by giving apps an option to not open automatically when you start Puter. That way you could start the Puter app, and it'd open a nested instance of Puter, but that instance wouldn't start infinite recursion by automatically opening the Puter app inside.

That's a great idea, thank you! I'll implement it :)

Wait so the parent noticed the DDoS but you are the owner of both domains?

I don't own anything Puter-related, no, except for those two apps (since anyone can publish an app on Puter - app names are first-come first-served).

I thought it would be funny, since I got in pretty early, to make an app called Puter that would just load Puter inside. (I initially called it "PuterPuter", but then tested to see if just "Puter" was available. It was. Now both apps exist and do the same thing.)

The "DDoS" is because when you open up either app, it loads up another instance of Puter... which promptly restores your session that has the app open, causing infinite recursion. If the HN hug of death found my comment and each person started infinitely recursing, that's a DDoS.

I believe ent101 (Puter developer) thought I changed the name from one to the other to stop the recursion. I didn't. Both apps just exist. I trust that anyone stupid enough to open that app is also smart enough to close it when they are done. :)

Thanks for the explanation, all those Puters had me confused :D

Not domains, the app names, i.e. the /app/puter (or /app/puterputer) bit, not the puter.com bit. AIUI.

Could you tell us what it is. As it's getting hugged to death at the mo.

Puter apps are just iframes that point to a web address. I claimed the name "Puter" to point to Puter's own web address. If you open the app, it will load Puter again inside, which will restore your session that contains the app, loading another Puter inside, which will again restore your session that contains the app...

Congrats on making it on HN with puter.com. Always love to see desktop environments getting attention. It looks better all the time.

I'll take a chance to mention my attempt at creating a desktop environment in the browser as it's open source, if anyone is interested in checking out.

Code: https://github.com/DustinBrett/daedalOS

Demo: https://dustinbrett.com/

This is truly a cool project, Dustin!

Yesterday on Reddit, someone mentioned your project as one of the coolest projects he had seen, and I was more than happy to reply to him with more details [1] as I really enjoyed watching your journey. Cool projects deserve more sharing and support for their creators.

1. https://www.reddit.com/r/Frontend/comments/z9wgw5/comment/iy...

Thanks very much! I'm happy to hear it's considered cool by some. I want to keep working on it until it really is the best.

Besides fun, is there any real use to coding these ?

I've learned a lot while making it. I think it could have more value as I keep adding features. I'm happy to just code it.

Nice job , looks really cool.

Thanks! Always happy to hear people liked it.

I like https://www.windows93.net/ better. More retro!

That version of Minesweeper (Brian Sweeper) is just mean-spirited.

There is an option for Troll Mode that you can uncheck


Wow, ASCII art Star Wars! (⊙ˍ⊙)

Love it. I thought the startup sound was the beginning of the B-21 reveal webcast and instinctively switched tabs. Pretty intense sound. :-)

The Half Life 3 and Brain Sweeper are just chef's kiss perfect. Actually all of it is perfect. And amazing that it works!

The the Pokémon game, it's insane. I played it for hours once.

The startup sound is actually the PlayStation 1 startup sound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAhvQoLpvsM

Best website ever.

There’s a meta story hiding here about owning the domain puter.com, and I’d love to know the history of this domains ownership.

Puter.com belonged to my good friend (and now also an investor in Puter) Humberto (who is the founder and CEO of Rows.com). He told me about the domain and I immediately thought it would be the perfect fit for this project. He was very gracious and agreed to sell it to me (well, to Puter Technologies Inc. lol). The price was $25,000.

Another comment on here explains it very well: "It’s “pyu-ter”, like comPUTER! Puter dot com! Well done" This is why I loved it so much!

He has more domains available here: https://portotype.com/documents/domains/

> The price was $25,000.

Woah is this a serious project then? Seems like a huge investment for a fun side project

'To build a folly upon a fair bit of land is not to waste the land, but to occupy it for some short time in enjoyment' - Unknown

Never heard that before. It's a nice folksy bit of wisdom... except very few people in old Ireland or England could afford a fair bit of land, and even fewer could afford to build a folly upon it.

It started out as a side project but now I have investors and looking to hire! Let's see how far I can take it :)

What is the value proposition here? Why would somebody use this over... the computer their using to access your fake in-browser computer?

It unifies the Operating System with the cloud. Your local storage becomes irrelevant while at the same time you have full durability and portability of your environment on any device in the world.

Thank you so much! I couldn't have said it better myself :)

I think you should add a web browser and then it can work like a VPN too.

I think more to the point, why would someone use this as opposed to a remote-desktop service from an established company like Amazon, Microsoft, Google, ...

This isn’t a Remote Desktop. This is a cloud file system which loads your files and js apps on the front end in a way that it looks like a remote desktop

Pretty much the same as chrome os i guess?

But then in “userland”..

So you could use it on a chromebook as well.

I like the idea, and as PG often says the best ideas often sound crazy at first.

Glad someone other than me is trying I guess :-)

replit.com competitor, where user don't have to learn any UI?

Do you see positioning this say against a Citrix (IE: corporate desktop virtualization) or as a Google Apps alternative, (IE: students, consumers looking for a cross-device solution)? Or something else altogether?

It can be sold further, early electronic NFT :)

I don’t know anything about you two, and I don’t want to sound condescending, but… what kind of friend sells a freaking domain for 25,000 dollars to another friend? Or was that just some asset shifting between your companies, without any real money involved..?

The premise of the question assumes that $25,000 is an insane amount for this domain. I completely disagree and I'm very happy with the price I paid.

That’s already explained in the comment. The domain was sold to a company that now owns it, that the two friends jointly own.


maybe i'm wrong, but i'm the previous owner of the domain and i don't think it's squatting.

i bought it specifically for a project called full stack mark down


but then got super busy with my spreadsheet company at rows.com.

all the domains i buy are for real projects, which i release like decodeportugal.com, portotype.com, berto.com and more but some take years to see the light of day.

i am open to selling if the idea is superior to mine, which is the case of the creator of puter.com.

fyi i'd paid a 5 digits good deal of money for puter.com too. when you fall in love for these projects..you risk it.

I remember this specifically. Puter.com was intended for another project. So this was definitely not squatting...

but you do have a list of domains you're selling with prices, so by definition you are kind of a domain squatter, are you not?

In economics middlemen help stabilize the supply demand curve.

Otherwise all websites would be an abandoned MySpace page.

In some cases. I don't believe this is true in the realm of concert tickets.

It absolutely applies to ticket scalping, as much as we may hate to admit it.

You can do a Google search for economics of ticket scalping and the overwhelming consensus is that it benefits both buyers and sellers.

At your suggestion, I did the Google search. I did not find an 'overwhelming consensus'. There are some sellers who are motivated to allow it for complex reasons (public perception, value of sell-out crowds which allow TV broadcast of sporting events and ancillary sales. e.g). The fancy term 'allocative efficiency' which is econ-speak for 'we should always sell to the highest bidder' is described as a positive outcome of scalping. Personally I find that nauseating, and of no real value to (original) providers (sellers) such as entertainers. There are first-person interviews of entertainers distressed by the way scalping impacts their fans.

I’ve shown up to venues before and paid less for a ticket from the scalpers than if I would have walked over to the box office because they were just trying to unload them.

I’ve also sold an extra ticket for a friend by just walking up to a random person standing in the ticket line and offering it to them for face value (which saved them money on the ticket counter markup).

Both cases involved turning what would have been a complete loss into less than a complete loss. Never felt bad about the scalpers loosing money because they knew the risks and my friend was just going to eat the loss because whoever the ticket was for couldn’t make the show for whatever reason and I was like “I’ll get rid of it for you”.

Yes, these are good examples of ... well, 'useful' scalping. The scenario I had in mind was when big scalping outfits have a modus operandi of buying huge quantities of tickets for re-sale. Aided and abetted by the technology of the web. I don't think it happened too often before that.

Ah yes, buyers benefit from paying a higher price they otherwise would have done. This is very smart and sensible and obvious.

(If you're claiming that buyers benefit from being able to buy a ticket that was purchased but then was not wanted, then that's true - but that's not scalping. Scalping is specifically buying a ticket with the intention to resell it for a higher price, _not_ reselling a ticket that was genuinely wanted at the time but was then unusable due to other conditions)

Can you explain?

Or is this just a hidden sarcasm?

What's wrong with domain squatting? Should one have to give up land they own if they don't have a clear use for it?

There are human lifetimes worth of political philosophy that argues just that, yes. Many times that written about how land ought to be heavily taxed in accordance to its value.

For some examples, see the Lockean Proviso, Mutualism, and Georgism.

What if someone values the land to drain and grow crops more than the current owner who just likes ducks so keeps it in its natural state?

I guess they should have to pay taxes on the potential agricultural value because wild ducks don’t have any intrinsic market value?

I kind of suspect the basic argument is based on some fallacious theory of value…pretty much guarantee it methinks.

which isn't the case. just landed here, i'm the previous owner of puter.com and all the domains in that portotype.com page.

all of them i bought for my projects.

puter.com was purchased so that i'd build this https://berto.com/docs/2022-03-01-full-stack-markdown.html but this guy had a much better idea.

happy to explain what all of them are for. (mostly local content projects like decodeportugal.com)

It seems like for the first domain on your list (angeiras.com), you’re quite explicitly marketing it to the proprietor of the popular seafood place you mention. But if you say you’re not squatting, I’m sure there’s something I’m missing.

Unfortunately it doesn't have a browser, so your puter can't even load up puter.

Actually it seems every app is just a browser window, so you can create an app that points to puter.com, and you'll have puter inside of puter.

It's pretty cool, but I can't think of what this would be useful for. Presumably, you need a sophisticated desktop OS that can run a modern web browser in order to use this. And that OS is likely more useful than this.

> you can create an app that points to puter.com, and you'll have puter inside of puter.

I did this months ago! Here it is: https://puter.com/app/puter

> Actually it seems every app is just a browser window, so you can create an app that points to puter.com, and you'll have puter inside of puter.

Yep, you can, I now have several nested Puters.

There are limited cases such as ChromeOS or iPadOS where Puter could be more flexible than the host OS.

I've just been using it from my smartphone...

My NAS has a similar "OS-like" web interface and it's very useful. Given there's no monitor attached to it.

Seems like this doesn't work on firefox

This is cool... but what is the business? It's a good domain name & they have a careers@puter.com email address (if you click on the i in the bottom right)

(Self-dupe: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33840961)

If Puter/FriendOS can support legacy Windows enterprise apps not updated in over a decade and adds collaboration, SSO, 2FA, access controls, VPN/intranet, etc. - basically what FrontEgg (https://techcrunch.com/2022/07/28/with-40m-in-new-funding-fr...) offers - on top on them, it could be a pretty great business.

This is a great illustration of this type of business: https://apenwarr.ca/log/20120326. A lot of customers totally need, not just want, this type of thing.

Puter/FriendOS type systems can graft upon some modern features on top of all legacy apps, which is far far better than having to build it out for every single one. Especially as the market lies more in the long tail of the custom software tailed to specific companies, that has been chugging along for 15 years in maintenance mode.

I wrote my own OS in a browser based upon network shared file systems via a privacy model but I haven’t figured out kind of a business model for it.


I am trying to think of where to take it next. Possibly integrate something like VLC for media playback or allowing users to install applications. I don’t really know what users would want from something like this.

Interesting, now I think would Wine run in browser with WASM.

I was thinking this is super nice, but just a toy project. But I saw there is even funding and the author is hiring. So, it is serious. I think this will be an enormous commercial success, because I tend to misjudge these kind of things. :')

I am impressed by the slickness and speed of this thing. It is more responsive than your average MS Windows system.

@ent101: well done and good luck with this project! Super slick!

There's a dev environment app in there. I think that's what they're selling.

which has almost no API calls except accessing files stored in their cloud drive. Other than that, your apps are just plain JavaScript running in a window inside their window. So it appears more like a very goofy way of selling overpriced cloud storage and trying to entice developers to build an ecosystem around that.

Kudos. It’s cool. I mean.. Render the paint program’s history as an animated gif??? Niiiiice… also props for standing up to the load of HN.

Premature congratulations

For the record, is now 9h after submission and it’s loading well.

For the record, not loading here currently.

> Why should I develop apps for Puter? > > We could get you an incredible number of users: Puter's is growing with no sign of slowing down. By building and publishing apps on Puter, you will instantly get access to our ever-growing user base.

This seems dishonest, or maybe I'm just missing the point of Puter. Who the heck is using this?


No tab-completion in the terminal?!?!

_Literally_ unusable.

(But for serious, this is a _very_ clean interface, I like it a lot.)

Hint: there's an "AppData" folder - Did you expect a decent CLI from what is obviously a Windows box?

Jokes aside, the new Windows Terminal is actually pretty good.

It's excellent for typing in 'wsl'. More seriously though the new Windows Terminal isn't what provides autocomplete, that's the shell. Powershell probably has okay autocomplete. In Windows the distinction has always blurred a bit.

I've recently given up on unix-type shells on Windows. Whether it's WSL1, WSL2, WSLg, MSYS2 or Cygwin, there's always compatibility quirks or performance issues that just reminds me that "it's not Linux". So I decided to just bite the bullet and go all in on PowerShell. It's still not a great default CLI experience but it can be made acceptable with plugins. But the real strength is in scripting, it's a good mix of high-level language and shell terseness.

Afaik it’s electron, so kind of limited to „not bad“

You also cannot close the terminal because `exit` does nothing.

Typing `exit` in terminal killed my Chrome with all 20+ tabs. Restoring previous session after restarting Chrome -> killed Chrome with all tabs again, and again, and again... Only thing that helped was killing Puter tab really fast before it loaded.

"logout", though, takes you back to the uh, root directory (which contains nothing except your user dir). It doesn't log you out though, since there's no users or privileges anyway. Which seems like a rather major oversight.

Sorry about that. It should be fixed now.

This is what I imagined Chromebooks should have been. A browser hooked upto a shared VPS somewhere.

i don't think it's a shared VPS it looks like a computer in the cloud, but it seems it's just serving the files and app files which execute locally (as opposed to remotely)

the UX clearly makes the brain think it's an actual computer.

With Stadia I think Google had something like this in their mind. Progressively centralizing computation and storage in data centers while the offering devices like chromebook.

Like terminals to a mainframe computer but on WAN level.

The docs mention an API for use within apps in the browser. I am wondering if an external API is available or planned to allow two way interaction with external servers.

  - external file storage
  - events/notifications
  - REST to access puter resources

Yes. I'm planning to release all these soon :)


I built something similar based of Windows XP


If the time period is accurate, how can I put all the money in Apple stock?

Seems to have an issue with Firefox. At least in the terminal app -- the characters are multicolored blocks rather than letters. The editor app seems to work, as do the various games like Panda Love.

Click the small icon next to the address bar and allow terminal to use canvas data

Yeah, that was it.

Mozilla has no time to fix Firefox Android or address their ever dwindling market share but we can count on them to waste time on overzealous security theater

The terminal is ok in Firefox Android.

Isn't Firefox on Android using the Chromium engine?

No, it's still Gecko

What, your mom buy you a puter for Christmas?

Does he know anything?

was going to say this :)

My people.

All your usernames start with k.


I was there Gandalf 17 years ago...wuth eyeOS

I thought the same… reminds me a lot of eyeOS.

But maybe times are more mature now?

eyeOS was quite mature, it's just that just like Puter it was a terrible idea

Have seen quite literally dozens of versions of this idea over the years.

I'm sure this is well made and a fun project to develop, but I just don't get the fascination with this idea of desktop OS mimicry in a browser tab.

What I don't understand is why they all go full classic OS demo, with always the same suite of basic apps (note, paint, photo...)

Why not build (complex but specific) SaaS applications that just leverage OS designs paradigms on the frontend (taskbar, windows, notifications, desktop, icons..) inside the same tab?

What if the OS-like apps were open plugins that will augment that SaaS?

[edit] here is an example: Imagine an alternative OS-like interface to HN that is plugin-based. You can add themes, or apps like messaging between HN users (in different windows), keyword-based and comment replies notification (a la Action Center)...

it is like HNES [1] on steroids.

[1] https://github.com/etcet/HNES

I had an idea like this for a university design (Not really centered in design, more on design methodology and research) class. At first I thought of designing a fully customizable, plugin-based EMS (Like Moodle), then my teacher told me to try and make it bigger, so I designed an app platform where there's only extensions and the UI is fully yours, kinda like Notion Enhancer [1] or Better Discord [2], but without the base app.

[1] https://notion-enhancer.github.io/ [2] https://betterdiscord.app/

Here i thought HNES was HN for NES, disappointing at first, but then this kind of looks great… thx for posting

There's also https://github.com/plibither8/refined-hacker-news which has more recent commits

Yeah and that "desktop paradigm" gets old

I need my custom awesomewm desktop now

Also putero means whore house in spanish.

That's the biggest issue I have with these. They're cool and all, but they're starting to get old. I like how they're including a little "SDK for bulding apps in this fake OS", which is a bit new, but I'd be way more invested in something like a HyperTerm-inspired Portfolio Project or UI Library.

> I just don't get the fascination with this idea

answered by

> this is well made and a fun project to develop

In the terminal I made a new folder with an html file in it.

Opened the file into an editor :)

It’s “pyu-ter”, like comPUTER! Puter dot com! Well done

Thank you! This is why I fell in love with the domain too :)

why is there nothing at com.puter.com?

Favorite part of this project has to be the game Panda Love. It's a platformer where you can only control by jumping.

Can't wait to see more levels.

Wrong timing with the Panda/Nintendo drama ;)

I somehow managed to end up with a weird version of Draw, with a Grinch in the bottom corner.

I can’t reproduce now. I bet there are other Easter eggs here.

It loads a Christmas theme when the Grinch is present, but clicking him takes it away

wait, this is an easter egg? I saw the same when I randomly opened draw, and all the drawing tools were hidden behind some advent-calendar style doors...

I was like "hm, okay, looks like another windows93.net" and closed the page

On subsequent loads, the Draw app looked as you’d expect a draw app to look like.

playing in the terminal, I don't think it has a compiler or python or curl. Stupid question maybe, is there a way to install anything?

What the hell did I just do for 16 minutes 0_o

These types of systems are interesting, but I wonder if there's any use case where you would prefer them over the one you're browsing from.

FriendOS is arguably also the most advanced and complete of these systems: https://friendos.com/

If Puter/FriendOS can support legacy Windows enterprise apps not updated in over a decade and adds collaboration, SSO, 2FA, access controls, VPN/intranet, etc. - basically what FrontEgg (https://techcrunch.com/2022/07/28/with-40m-in-new-funding-fr...) offers - on top on them, it could be a pretty great business.

This is a great illustration of this type of business: https://apenwarr.ca/log/20120326. A lot of customers totally need, not just want, this type of thing.

Puter/FriendOS type systems can graft upon some modern features on top of all legacy apps, which is far far better than having to build it out for every single one. Especially as the market lies more in the long tail of the custom software tailed to specific companies, that has been chugging along for 15 years in maintenance mode.

So, Wine-as-a-Service?

[1]: https://www.winehq.org/

Can you actually do anything useful here?

No, in fact it is probably a complete waste of time - which makes it such a neat thing.

You can do anything at puter.com, anything at all

Zombo! :)

Guns and bottles is fun.

You can even unlock new guns.

I’m not interested unless there are microtransactions and loot boxes… that exist for this session only.

No, like on all those "WebOS".

Does anybody remember the circa-1999 desktop.com? Same idea, but implemented in what was then called DHTML. It was very limited but I felt offered a sneak peak of the virtualized and web-based future that we now live in.

More Puter subdomains at -- https://www.google.com/search?q=site:puter.com (click the last pages)

Very nice work. Reminds me of FriendOS! Also I suspect the author of puter to build this operating system just to be able to make their own version of Paint that can be themed. chefs kiss to you

> To protect your security, www.google.com will not allow Firefox to display the page if another site has embedded it. To see this page, you need to open it in a new window.

Nice work! Just try to made an app: https://puter.com/app/FangCloud

Such a cool project. Fyi The camera didn't work on iOS.

It’s working for me fwiw. iPhone 13, latest iOS.

More context can be found here: https://docs.puter.com/

I'm truly skeptical as well

never go full browser

The "terminal" can't understand wildcards. Sorry, what is the point of having a terminal that has almost no commands?

I liked the panda game. Level 14 sure was tricky! But I didn't give up and was happy to complete it. 5 stars.

Nice! Permission wise, why can for example Markus open the Android file browser and read it?

I like the copycat game. Couldn't find it anywhere else. Is it a puter exclusive?

How do you create GUI floating windows and terminal simulator inside web browser ?

Divs + JS. I am not sure what exactly you are asking.

So it’s a “desktop” environment without any of the privacy or security of a desktop environment, written in javascript & css (ie cheap and slow), where all the data is stored on a cloud owned by a couple of dudes (they can snoop, sell, and cut off access to your data at any time), all without encryption?

Am I missing something or this a TERRIBLE idea? How does it keep showing up over and over again? Just about any developer could build something like this in under a month, it isn’t some novel idea. I don’t mean to rain on a parade here I am always happy to see hobby projects, but the fact someone is investing in this and real money is being allocated seems ridiculous. The implications of anyone seriously thinking this is a reasonable cloud desktop environment are scary; people will get duped into being data harvested with no ownership of their data.

Are you always a grinch? This is a cool thing to post on Hacker News. I, for one, am impressed it works as well on iOS Safari. It’s just fun.

They bought their domain for $25,000, are hiring devs, are now offering a cloud piece and Constantly. Spam. Everywhere. Of this “hobby project to business” story. Spending $25,000 on a domain is not “for fun”.

It deserves scrutiny. If I was making a business out of this (which they are), what I’m saying can only improve their product.

What if you are on the lower rung of a crypto fueled polycule trying to impress the alpha female?

Seems fun on the surface, but they're offering folks to write in to their "careers" email (see the Info icon). They also really seem to be pushing you to create an account, or use the QR code, to save your information for later use.

I've seen instances of fun things like "Windows 98 in a browser" that were interesting projects. This seems to be someone trying to make a full-on product out of the concept, even referring to it as "cloud computing" on their Twitter account.

They can't play both sides. It's either a fun little toy, or it's a serious product. "Puter" seems to be aiming for the latter, so they deserve the relevant scrutiny.

Ironically I'd find more value in "Windows XP in a browser" than in a custom OS. if it has filesystem access and can handle most of the underlying API. Reason being that I run Linux, so if I need to run a Windows program (which I occasionally do: I'm into video game music, and a lot of the tooling stack for manipulating files is dinky Windows programs developed by Some Guy in 2013 and never really maintained), I have the following choices:

- dualboot (not doing that again, Windows 10 loved to eat my bootloader over and over and would get stuck in update loops)

- wine, which requires a lot of configuration and has weird bugs, but is really good for more heavyweight apps (foobar2000 is still king)

- virtualization, which also requires a lot of configuration. need to perform a full OS install, etc. I haven't found a way to easily spin up a virtualized windows box (I run Manjaro = Arch, let me know if you have an easy way. A while back I gave it a couple hours and couldn't figure it out, so I gave up.).

A Windows-in-browser that runs "well enough" and can access my local filesystem would let me just run the damn app, do the thing I want to do, and then call it a day. Of course, I'm sure there's lots of details I haven't thought through here. But it feels like a potentially legitimate use case.

> Just about any developer could build something like this in under a month

Wh.. what?

A great article about how people think the could "build stackoverflow in a week" made the rounds a few years ago but I can’t find it again…

I guess most coders could make something that looks like stackoverflow but can only handle a few thousand users at a time.. It'd be easy to make a site where you post questions and comments, upvote and downvote things, and have some basic account page

Or did they think they could handle all the scale and all the random small features on the site too?

A month has 160 work-hours in it, that could be upped to 280 if you’re insane and do 10 hours/day even on weekends.

That’s a lot of time! I think I could clone this in that time. And I’m a Linux kernel programmer with little web experience.

With modern tooling and documentation this kind of project is within reach for many.

As another kernel programmer who's dabbled in web shit, I think you'll be shocked at how time consuming and obnoxious the work is

Yeah, one line of kernel code is more difficult to write than 100 lines of web code.. but you're going to be churning out 10,000 lines of web code, and every layer of abstraction you try to use will make everything crappier and more screwy

This page isn't a normal website either, so a lot of those website toolkits won't be of much use

I disagree.

You just need to host a single-tenant db, handle auth, manage users, and allocate blob storage for each user. This is all pretty well understood on the backend now with baked turnkey solutions on every major cloud provider.

The app logic can all be done clientside and can be done pretty easily in react / vue / whatever framework you want. Most of the apps can be wired to existing solutions on npm.

So mainly all you need to do is customize some css and bring it all together, deploy & deliver the app itself, and market it.

I’m not sure but I don’t see any x86 virtualization here, seems to just all be JS, so it looks to me to be a very straightforward implementation (correct me if wrong)

haha, I dunno. I just know that I was working on a very simple phone app with React Native a couple years ago. I estimated it'd take 10 hours total to implement, but I got about halfway done with the app after 120 hours of dev work. (It needed some custom 'native' code in Swift, and I did manage to correctly estimate that part would take me less than an hour)

I'll finish it one of these days..

This was also my thinking looking at the site. No way I was going to allow access to my microphone or camera.

the truth is that in order to use this site, you need a working computer with a desktop anyway. So the only value would be is that you can access your stuff from anywhere on any computer.

It’s just security nightmares all the way down.

Yeah, glad someone else sees it.

There is a value proposition in having a synchronized desktop across every environment (phone, tablet, desktop, etc.) but this project doesn’t remotely capture what that would entail —- a wasm-based OS with a webgpu frontend, all locally computed. All synchronization / any data leaving would be encrypted locally with a key shared among local systems via a QR code, and the option to self-host the entire stack would be readily available.

The encryption + self-hosting is bare minimum as a business, not the least of which is because it adds credibility to the entire system. Open source is also a requirement to verify nothing nefarious is going on.

With that in place, it might be reasonable to have a cloud offering that is paid so most users wouldn’t need to self host.

Systems should also be able to replicate data locally so if cloud access is ever shut down, they can continue functioning without much issue.

I could build all that (and have built that + more, so it comes from experience) in a ~month — how is it that this project is getting funded, after lacking any of that after years?

My guess? It is cheap & looks usable, and for some reason gained massive popularity, so it will dupe people into freely sharing their data which can be mined and monetized. Apologies if this isn’t the intention of the original creators, but that is what investors will use this for. If I am wrong, I recommend they implement what I suggested.

I think it's a cool project. It looks slick and no doubt was a lot of work.

Would I ever use it though? Of course not.

It in fact goes in the exact opposite direction of computing for me. I am increasingly moving away from any product that relies on WiFi/connectivity.

So nice to have your own media (movies, music) and not have to worry about an always-on internet to be your streaming bottleneck (never mind the inefficiencies of requiring a personal, on-demand, high-bandwidth movie stream). But then to take and put all your tools and desktop in the cloud as well?

I guess it's why I have no use for Chromebooks either.

I would posit that installing an open UEFI implementation and taking advantage of the A) Cost and B) ridiculously good power saving features of a used Chromebook with the OS of your choice is a good Chromebook use.

But as a stock laptop I get your point.

A thin client to use on your thick client XD

Hey, creator here. I'm a little late to reply as I was getting some sleep.

You're obviously entitled to your opinion about Puter. It's completely fine if you think this is a very terrible idea. I disagree but I guess only time will tell.

But I just wanted to say that it's categorically false that Puter is trying to harvest data and sell it later. It's clearly spelled out in its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. I'm not trying to dupe anyone into anything, just hoping to build a better cloud storage service...

I am not doubting business potential; I can give two expletives about you or anyone else making money. I care only about users / customers.

A few things:

1) please read my other comment about encrypting / address encryption of data.

2) a ToS can be changed at any time in the future. If you value privacy, bake in client-side encryption ASAP. Use bcrypt + salt for the password hashing and use something like libsodium (https://libsodium.gitbook.io/doc/secret-key_cryptography/sec...) to encrypt/decrypt. These are both available in js:

Bcrypt: https://www.npmjs.com/package/bcrypt

Libsodium: https://www.npmjs.com/package/libsodium

Off the top of my head, have a user enter a password, generate a random nonce, hash it with bcrypt, store that hash to localstorage. Create a secretbox stream with that hash and run any data being persisted through that stream. This will add some safety to userdata.

3) if you do well and get acquired your ToS doesn’t protect anyone but yourself / the new owners

4) the instant you start accepting VC money you will slowly have less and less say in any of this — make protecting customers your first priority asap.

I agree with you 100% on client-side encryption. I need some time to get it right but it's definitely a priority. It's coming soon.

As for ToS and Privacy Policy. I didn't use an off-the-shelf document from the internet because I was trying to make sure it's clear the data is not being harvested in any way, but I guess I need to amplify that more. What do you suggest? I'm genuinely curious and would like to know your suggestions.

Thanks again :)

I’m not a lawyer so I’d suggest working with one and seeing what sort of language can protect your users now and in the future.

Encryption is an important key here, and I’d want to see source of the core app to make sure it handles all that appropriately. If I was you, I’d publish the core app as open source, and I’d sandbox apps potentially in iframes with reduced permissions & inject a message channel to talk with the main app. You could control access to any secrets on the main app this way, so users have some safety guarantees.


Main app (secret management, styling, window management, etc)


|——————— msg channel <-> apps



|——————— (de)crypt <-> persist

Have the apps talk with the core and any core services via a message based event loop. Have all persistence go through a service on the core.

Apps can potentially be closed sourced safely that way.

Whatever you do, make it so third party power users can independently verify it is legit and the entire project will be much more able to stand scrutiny.

Thank you for the detailed reply. The sandboxing and messaging is already implemented. I think that's the only way I can guarantee data safety when it comes to having 3rd-party apps.

I'm actually planning to open source the whole thing (fingers crossed) this way anyone can look into the code!

I thought this was just supposed to be a cool little portfolio project by the developer. Now they have a "careers@" email address... implying this is a business? What is their product? This seems very peculiar to me.

Peak hackernews comment and sentiment.

There's also a neat changelog https://puter.com/app/changelog

And yet, if I want to do something nefarious, connecting to this from Tails via TOR would be a pretty good way to hide my tracks.

Way better then the Citrix terminal I have to use at work.

That would kill TeamViewer or similar remote desktop apps.

Reminds me of YouOS.

The trash can is a nice place for ads.

in the terminal, doing the following freezes the page:

    touch abc
    cat abc

fails with older browsers:

Uncaught SyntaxError: private fields are not currently supported

This is great! Had a real good time completing Panda Love with my daughter. Thanks for sharing!

Is there a tl;dr anywhere of what this is? Is it just another for-fun tech demo of putting an OS-like GUI in a web browser?

Indeed, the info window doesn't provide any info, so my best guess is that you can create documents (and apps?), save and probably publish them. It's a sort of remote desktop in a browser, but actually all that's remote is the storage. It does seem quite limited, so I'm not sure what it offers more than novelty (and even that's limited). Perhaps the app builder is good. I didn't check it.

So I went back to try it: app names are apparently global. I couldn't create an app called "test" because "Name is already used by another app. Please pick another name."

Oh, an app is just a URL. Clicking on it just opens the URL in a new window/iframe. It looks as if you can attach a document to the app, so perhaps it sends that along when you drop a document on the icon. Would be neat, but it does rely on other people making and publishing your killer app, and provide the infrastructure for it. I smell micropayments.

did anyone else just waste half an hour on Panda Love?

just me then.

I like Vallader more.

How do I turn it off?

And there I was thinking it was going to be a parody site of Putin gone all Hitler..... Perhaps that Putler.

If one speaks Spanish the app is not well named.

can we stop doing posts like these on hn? thank you. by the time we have all figured out it's nothing malicious or not, the harm has already been done. or not. in this case, no harm.

Joy Considered Harmful

Chill out

chill bro


What the hell is it? We can't even know without giving it an email? Closed and hidden.

Splatting a login/signup form in your face right away with no indication whatsoever of what the website is about, is a dark and scummy pattern.


"Puter is a cloud operating system that allows you to upload, store, process, and share data, files, personal information, messages, pictures, and other materials (collectively, your “User Data”). You can also search, preview, sort and personalize your User Data."

I didn't give them anything; I also don't recall their asking for anything.

> I didn't give them anything; I also don't recall their asking for anything.

When I click the link, I see only a login modal over some abstract background art. I don't even see the link to the terms of service you have there. (That's after I enabled Javascript on the page to even get that far.) I can only assume that's what OP is complaining about. Maybe they've got too many users because of this post and they're limiting it to signup-only for now? Or maybe my browser isn't passing some IP trustworthiness thing. shrug

Hi there, there is no IP check, in fact Puter doesn't even store IP addresses at all. Would you be able to open Puter in incognito mode?

Oh? That's very strange, it instantly works in private browsing mode, taking me to what looks like a desktop. I tried it again in non-private browsing mode and I still get the login window.

Edit: deleting cache and offline website data in Firefox fixed it. In my experience when this fixes something it's usually because there's a broken web worker and that forces it to redownload.

Puter sets "has_visited_before" in the LocalStorage, then does some XHR/fetch requests with no error handling, then sets other stuff in the LocalStorage.

If for whatever reason, one of the XHR/fetch requests fails, you end up with only the "has_visited_before" key in the LocalStorage, which causes you to be stuck on the login screen until you clear the LocalStorage.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. You're right, this is the culprit. I'm going to fix it.

Sure you can, you don’t have to give them Jack if you don’t want to - you can have a fully fledged play without signing up.

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