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logx - Simple logging abstraction

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There are so many logging frameworks, it's not necessary to write a new one.

This package only provides some logging abstraction. The purpose is to be used as a middleware between business codes and other logging frameworks.


The Logger interface has two methods:

  • Log(): writes a log message.
  • LogFn(): similar to Log, but accepts a factory function to produce the log message.

There are two built-in loggers:

  • NopLogger: an empty logger that logs nothing.
  • StdLogger: writes logs to the standard output.

For more details, see the GoDoc.


The LoggerOp struct provides a group of shortcut methods to simplify the usage of Logger, such as Debug(), Infof(), Warnkv().

For more details, see the GoDoc.


LogManager is used for managing Loggers. It's safe for concurrent use.


  • Set(name, Logger): register a logger with the given name into the LogManager instance.
  • Find(name): get a logger with the given name.
  • Delete(name): deleted a registered logger from the instance.
  • Op(): similar to Find(), but returns a LoggerOp instance.

LogManager uses case-insensitive header matching when finding Loggers. A name will be split by the dot(.) into several segments, when finding a name like 'A.B.C.D', LogManager finds the Logger in this order, returns the first found Logger:

  • a.b.c.d
  • a.b.c
  • a.b
  • a
  • "" (empty string)

If no logger can be found, LogManger.Find() returns nil.

The logger with the empty name is the root logger. The empty string can be treated as the first segment of all other names, e.g. The name 'a.b' is equivalent to '.a.b'.

It's similar to the LoaManager class in log4j from Java/Common.Logging from .net

For more details, see the Example.