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Easy Web Server

Nginx / PHP / MariaDB / phpMyAdmin / LetsEncrypt / Fail2Ban / Portainer

This will install the Swag container, which includes the Nginx webserver, php, a reverse proxy, certbot for letsencrypt certificates and fail2ban for intrusion prevention. It will also install MariaDB, phpMyAdmin, Portainer for container management and WordPress. Everything will be installed in a containerized environment.

Required actions

  • Create an A record for your domain and point it to your server IP Address.
  • Open ports 80 and 443 on your firewall to allow http to https redirection and certificate validation.

Required setup information

  • Domain Name: The name of the domain you want to host on your server.
  • Email Address: Your email address, used for LetsEncrypt notifications.


Run the following command as root on a minimal installation of Debian.

bash <(wget -qO-

  • The script will install Docker, all the containers, create a new database and download WordPress.
  • After the installation you can visit your domain and setup WordPress.
  • Necessary passwords will be automatically generated during setup and will be displayed at the end.
  • You can manage the containers and the database with the tools below.
Name: Portainer
Usage: container manager
URL: http://server_lan_ip:9000
Name: phpMyAdmin
Usage: database manager
URL: http://server_lan_ip:8082


Run the following command to update your system and all the containers.

bash <(wget -qO-

Add Domains

Run the following command to add a new domain.

bash <(wget -qO-