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[SUPPORT] Photoview - CorneliousJD Repo

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Container requires a MySQL (MariaDB) database in order to function!


Photoview is a simple and user-friendly photo gallery that can easily be installed on personal servers. It's made for photographers and aims to provide an easy and fast way to navigate directories, with thousands of high resolution photos.

If you have questions regarding setup or development, feel free to join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/jQ392948u9


Demo site

Visit https://photos.qpqp.dk/

Username: demo Password: demo


More info here: https://github.com/photoview/photoview

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So, the unRAID version of Photoview doesn't work with the standard instructions. First step is to install a local mysql server, but the Photoview docker is not accessible via console, its just a blank screen.
"1. Install a local mysql server, and make a new database"
So I set up mysql in another docker, set up a user and created a new database, but Photoview does not want to connect. A line in the logs say "no .env file", but there is no way to access the docker via console to do anything about that. 


Any suggestions?

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1 hour ago, simuel said:

So, the unRAID version of Photoview doesn't work with the standard instructions. First step is to install a local mysql server, but the Photoview docker is not accessible via console, its just a blank screen.
"1. Install a local mysql server, and make a new database"
So I set up mysql in another docker, set up a user and created a new database, but Photoview does not want to connect. A line in the logs say "no .env file", but there is no way to access the docker via console to do anything about that. 


Any suggestions?


I successfully tested with Maria DB and used the example string in the template.




For example, if your unRAID IP address is and your MariaDB or MySQL container running on unRAID is on port 3306

And you have a user of "photouser" with a pass of "photopass" and a database name of "photoview" then you would enter the following.



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Interesting, I had that issue for a while but didn't for too long. If your library is huge it might take hours to fill out. But if you have a small collection it shouldn't take but a few minutes to start showing up. 


This is the official docker container so it may be worth reaching out to them on their GitHub page if it doesn't show up in a few hours time? 


Sorry I can't be of more help directly, I didn't make the program or container, just the template.

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46 minutes ago, roadkill said:

So i set everything up and it worked fine and was able to scan.

However it shows a blank image where the photo is and does show the name of the picture.

Any ideas?

Screen Shot 2021-02-25 at 6.04.03 PM.png


I had this problem I changed the domain to Unraid ip and port in order to show the images




Edited by emersonicus
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13 hours ago, emersonicus said:


I had this problem I changed the domain to Unraid ip and port in order to show the images





Thanks for posting this. I had always had mine setup when I was doing testing as a public URL that I had Photoview up on for testing reasons and it was loading fine!

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CorneliousJD, I got Photoview running, and it was quite a bit of trying different things.
So initially I couldn't get Photoview to load no matter what. Looking through the logs it seemed like it was having trouble pinging the mysql server. I tried a fresh install of mariadb and back to mysql and still nothing. What made me suspicious was that the mysql docker wouldn't accept my login credentials even though I changed them.

What worked:

I set up a fresh mysql docker and used the docker-composer.yml template to set the login and passwords in the initial setup. I used the same settings to in Photoview and viola, it worked! So the mysql docker isn't update the database with any changes, which is what I kept doing after install. Whatever settings are used in the initial install, that's what the docker will use. Hopefully itll help someone else with this too.

Edited by simuel
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Scanner error

Failed to begin database transaction: failed to process photo (/photos/DSC04092.ARW): open /app/cache/2/3/highres_DSC04092_ARW_6gwa6DDO.jpg: no such file or directory


/app/cache is configured properly, folders like /app/cache/2/3/ were created, but there's nothing in it :(



It seems it doesn't understand .ARW from sony a7rIV, .ARW from a7rII are processing properly.

Edited by ikiwi
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Working for me with PHOTOVIEW_PUBLIC_ENDPOINT: http://IP:8694/ with old raws.


As far as i found, this docker uses quite an old version of darktable-cli (2.6.0 from dec 2018), so no support for fresh camera raws.

How to update it internally in current dockerfile - i've no idea.


So if you don't see anything in appdata folder - maybe it just can't create any small/hires jpegs from your files?

Edited by ikiwi
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Good day! 


I've been looking around at different options to replace google photos and photoview keeps coming up. I've installed the docker on my unraid server everything seems to be up and running. I did change the PHOTOVIEW_PUBLIC_ENDPOINT: to http://IP:PORT and that fixed the photos not showing up. What I'm working on now is getting the site accessable from outside my network. I have letsencrypt installed and have added the CNAME to my DDNS host, but i'm having problems still. I used the template that came with letsencrypt and changed all the variables to my setup but it doesn't seem to work. I wasn't sure if I should upload my .conf file for all to see...


I know just enough to dabble in this sort of thing but so far photoview has been pretty great! 

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Hi guys....

I managed to make it work without too much trouble. I also used the mapbox token to display places on the side.

I just can't understand why i can't see the tab people on the side. Maybe it will appear after the first scan is finished??

 i have many gb of dslr picture on the hard drive.


Thanks in advance and sorry for my noobness !!!!

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16 hours ago, crabsticks said:

Hi all, 


I'm trying to use swag to reverse proxy into photoview but keep getting the bad gateway error, does anyone know what template to use for the conf file? I tried editing the radarr one but clearly somethings not right

I'm getting this same issue. Not sure what's going on. 

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