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I like Mint better than Ubuntu. I like Mint better than Ubuntu.

I've been running Linux Mint 21 on 2 Lenovo thinkpads for a couple years, and more recently 21.3 Edge on an Acer laptop for a number of months. (The Thinkpads have each failed once and been repaired due to a manufacturing flaw, and I no longer trust them. That is the reason I bought the Acer and more recently a new Dell. So now I have 4 working computers, but that's a whole other story.)

The Dell had the option of coming with Ubuntu 22.04 installed, so I jumped at the chance of not having to do another Linux installation. Setting up and using Ubuntu has been a learning curve and if I hadn't learned to use Mint first, I think I'd have been lost. However I feel pretty confident using it now, enough to make a comparison.

Let me preface this by saying that any Linux OS is vastly superior to Windows 11. However, as a Windows refugee and as a technological noob, Linux Mint just feels more user-friendly to me. I don't expect to ever need another new computer in my lifetime, but if I were to, I'd install Mint on it.

I'm most comfortable with icons in a vertical row on the left hand side of the screen and programs in a horizontal row below the screen. This is the default with Mint, and it feels intuitive to me. Ubuntu's default is programs in a vertical row on the left side (no horizontal row along the bottom of the screen) and icons to my files on the right side. Perhaps there is an option to change this layout through use of the terminal, but I lack the motivation to learn scripting or to change the desktop configuration.

I can't call it bloat, but Ubuntu has software that doesn't seem necessary. For instance to rename a file in Mint, one has only to right click on it, select "rename" and change it, whereas Ubuntu brings up a box where you have to type in the new name and click on "rename." Or the way that left hand icons disappear when an open window passes over them, and reappear when window is moved away requires extra software to make it do that, rather than just have the icons remain static behind an open window. This extra programming is the most minor of complaints, but it feels more like something Microsoft would do.

Online help for problems with Ubuntu typically brings up solutions requiring use of the terminal, whereas Mint forums tend to more often suggest fixes using the GUI.

As a former Windows user with very little technological know-how, I'd recommend Mint for anyone else like me in these respects. It has definitely won this comparison test.

Virtual Machine Help Virtual Machine Help

I have a Linux Mint laptop and a Android smartphone. I'm trying to crack into iMessenger without buying any Apple products. My autistic kid unfortunately has an iPad and communicates on IMessenger. I am using an old iPhone to sign into that periodically to communicate with. There is an app for Android bubbles or something but it requires that you're signed into a MacOs. I've been googling away and typed a few commands into my terminal which granted me virtual machine, when I try to make a VM using an ISO I got from Pirate Bay it says I do not have permission. A few years ago I believe I use virtualbox to make a Windows virtual machine and that wasn't that difficult. Is there a quick and easy way to have a Mac VM on Linux Mint? Currently I'm downloading an older Mac OS on this old iPhone which I'm going to try to upload to my computer and give that file a try. If there's any saints out there who want to provide step-by-step guidance on the quick and easy that would be great

Finally switched to Linux Mint a week ago, and I finished customizing! Finally switched to Linux Mint a week ago, and I finished customizing!
Desktop Screenshot

Decided to make the switch after Microsoft announcing that Recall feature, more telemetry garbage and computer getting slow from age... Started from scratch; no regrets so far and the experience has been very enjoyable :> Here's a quick rundown of the main customization:


Material-GTK by FKORPSVART on

I also edited the Cinnamon .css file for making the taskbar/panel completely transparent, you can do this by removing the #panel section completely which just sets it to default panel. Also enabled borders!


Numix-Circle by NumixProject, found on or do sudo add-apt-repository ppa:numix/ppa first, then sudo apt install numix-icon-theme-circle in terminal (bash)


Bibata-Modern-Classic, preset default on Mint-Cinnamon


Komorebi for the custom animated background + time/date widget

Internet Search Box applet

Custom menu icon, appearance and menu

Edited all icons, even ones that weren't customized by Numix to have a rounded appearance for a consistent feel

For custom coloring in terminal Lolcat

Can't Install Linux Mint Cinnamon on ThinkPad T480 Running Windows 11 Can't Install Linux Mint Cinnamon on ThinkPad T480 Running Windows 11
Support Request

I've had no problem installing the same OS on other machines, including another ThinkPad (T420), but this time I just keep getting this error:

Failed to open \EFI\BOOT\mmx64.efi - Not Found
Failed to load image : Not Found
Failed to start MokManager: Not Found
Something has gone seriously wrong: import_mok_state() failed: Not Found

Someone recommended copying grubx64.efi to desktop, renaming it mmx64.efi and then putting it back in /EFI but it won't let me and says that it's a read-only file system.

I'm really new to this, just started using Cinnamon on my desktop PC a couple weeks ago as my first Linux distro, so please be patient with me.

I do have basic knowledge on how to use the terminal if that helps in any way.

Linux Mint losing Google Drive Connection after Starting the PC Linux Mint losing Google Drive Connection after Starting the PC
Support Request

Since yesterday I have an annoying problem with Linux Mint.

Some weeks ago I connected my fresh installed Linux Mint with my Google Drive using the built-in internet account functionality. It worked perfectly fine to access the data in my Google Drive within Nemo.

Yesterday, after starting my PC I suddenly received an error message saying the login credentials were expired. A re-login wouldn't work. So I had to delete the Google account from the internet accounts. After restarting the PC I was able to login again and everything was looking good. After the next shut down and start the problem occurred again.

I can repeat this as often as I want to. Whenever I have a working connection to my Google Drive it's expired after the next start of the PC. In this case I have to delete the Google account, restart the PC and I can login again.

I searched the internet but I couldn't find any descriptions of this problem.

Is this a known issue? Are there any workarounds (except using my Windows 11 machine instead 🙃).

How do I set up my server on the file manager? I turned my old pc into a server using samba. How do I set it up on Mint? I did it easily on my laptop that's running Pop OS. Which server type do I chose and what do I put in each field? Thank you in advance! How do I set up my server on the file manager? I turned my old pc into a server using samba. How do I set it up on Mint? I did it easily on my laptop that's running Pop OS. Which server type do I chose and what do I put in each field? Thank you in advance!
r/linuxmint - How do I set up my server on the file manager? I turned my old pc into a server using samba. How do I set it up on Mint? I did it easily on my laptop that's running Pop OS. Which server type do I chose and what do I put in each field? Thank you in advance!

About a year of using Linux Mint here are my thoughts About a year of using Linux Mint here are my thoughts

I don't think I have to tell you how I got here and started using Mint, it's the same story for majority of users here: Got sick of Windows so I started using Linux (Could be wrong but that's from my observation), but here are my honest thoughts on this Operating system.

When it comes to daily use it is much better than Windows was. Everything just flows, and goes without stopping, and the lack of assistants for everything reminds me of Windows XP and Windows 7 in a way. It just feels so much more responsive even if it's on a SATA SSD it has an identical boot time to Windows 10 on NVMe

I do play a fair bit of older PC games, so the fact that I could just click on an ISO and it reads it as a CD is such a nice touch, compressed file compatibility is great too as well and the media players. Usually I resort to using VLC Media Player on most of my PCs but not here, it just works fantastically with the default software, no complaints.

Game compatibility is fantastic too. Games that just 3 years ago I couldn't get to start, now run flawlessly (Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog and so on), even Counter Strike Source gives me sensational performance albeit that might be down to me using an NVIDIA gpu versus the last time I used Linux, it was on an old mediocre AMD card (R5 M330). Native games run great like I said as well as wine games and PlayOnLinux stuff. Got zero performance hiccups on any of the games I played.

As for the bad things there are a couple, and these might be errors from my end. Sometimes when I exit from Minecraft on it's own will it downs my refresh rate to 60hz from 144hz, and I can only use 144hz on 1080p. All other resolutions support either 60hz or 75hz maximum (it's playable but it could be better), i tried one solution but it made the experience insufferable. My storage is also slowly running out for some reason even tho I don't have much installed, again could be an error from my end :P

System is pinging domain often. No traces of Edge browser installed (but I did try it). Any idea why? System is pinging domain often. No traces of Edge browser installed (but I did try it). Any idea why?
Support Request

I use Pi-Hole on my local network to block ads and tracking network-wide. I look at my linux system and it pings often. I don't have any Microsoft Edge browser installed (but I used to). Checked the Pi-Hole subreddit and they advised me of this info about the domain:

Any idea why my system would ping this? I'm a Brave user. My only requests to Microsoft would potentially be my Thunderbird requesting email about my Outlook account that I have setup in Thunderbird.

System Info: System privacy settings are already disabled.

Microphone is not detected - Linux Mint 21.3 Microphone is not detected - Linux Mint 21.3
Support Request

Hello. I'm a new Linux user and I noticed that my microphone is not being detected. I tried looking through forums but as a new Linux user, everything is very confusing lol. I have a Lenovo Yoga 7 16ARP8 running Mint Cinnamon 21.3, kernel 6.5.0-35-generic. Please let me know what info you need to be able to help me (and what commands I need to get the info, please remember I'm a total beginner). I'd appreciate the help!

cinnamon.css question cinnamon.css question
Support Request

Hi there 🐬

I downloaded one theme for Cinnamon and decided to retouch it a bit by adding some blur effects.

Thanks to this pull I learned about this feature and added background-blur: 1px; to the .menu element in cinnamon.css file. And it works!

...but also causes these weird flashing borders you can see on the picture.

The screen recording shows this behavior more clearly:

I've tried to change other menu-related lines in CSS, but nothing seems to work.

Maybe there are folks here who like to tinkering with customization and know what causes this borders to appear? I would appreciate for the explanation.

Completely noob in Mint, as you already understood.

Help me out converting my old primary PC to Mint Help me out converting my old primary PC to Mint

Hi all, I’m building a new PC and going full Mint across that, a little laptop already on Mint, and now looking to convert my old PC to Mint from Win10.

On the old PC I have a 120gb sata ssd full of windows (8gb free) and a 3tb sata drive full of my steam/epic games and other programs and files (300gb free).

What’s the best transition path here? I don’t mind dual booting for a while but would like to get rid of windows before too long. Should I wipe out the windows drive and will the other drive basically still be up and running once Mint is installed?

Dual Monitor Issues (Nvidia Gpu) Dual Monitor Issues (Nvidia Gpu)
Support Request

I got into linux mint about a month ago and I've been enjoying it but there's one issue I've had since downloading it. Stuff like dragging tabs around and scrolling on websites just tends to be very sluggish and laggy. From what I've seen it seems to be a nvidia gpu issue.

I've updated the kernel and even tried the newer nvidia drivers but nothing changed that. I've tried pop os in the past week and it doesn't have that issue which got me curious. I did find a temporary solution which was to disable and then re-enable my second monitor but I would have to redo it every time I turn on my computer.

Is there a more permanent solution to this? I appreciate any help I can get.