Introducing the API Security Workshop Learn More  

The Complete API Security Platform

Proactively secure your environment from API security vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and design flaws. Protect APIs from attacks in real-time with automated detection and response.

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Main Dashboard_Overview-1

Industry-Leading Impact


of Fortune 500 work with Noname


Exposed records protected


Attacks prevented per day

Existing Controls Are Not Enough

Traditional controls leave APIs vulnerable
Traditional controls leave APIs vulnerable

API Gateways and WAFs can’t protect against targeted API attacks or abuse.

APIs are the Top Attack Vector
APIs are the top attack vector

APIs are the number one attack vector for web applications, according to Gartner.

Misconfigurations cause cloud breaches

Two-thirds of all cloud breaches are tied to misconfigured APIs, according to IBM Security.

OWASP API Top 10 is Just the Start
OWASP API Top 10 is just the start

Automatically secure your environment and APIs from hundreds of threats beyond the OWASP API Security
Top 10.

The Complete, Proactive
API Security Platform

Discover all of your APIs

Find and inventory every type of API, including HTTP, RESTful, GraphQL, SOAP, XML-RPC, JSON-RPC, and gRPC. Discover legacy and rogue APIs not managed by an API gateway, and catalog data type classifications for all APIs.

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discover all apis


Detect API threats and prevent attacks

API security risks and issues are not all discovered in source code alone. Monitor real-time traffic using AI and ML-based detection to uncover data leakage, data tampering, data policy violations, suspicious behavior, and API security attacks.

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Group 2289


Test API security before production

Most applications have security testing before going into production. Most APIs do not. Increase API security assurance with greater speed, efficacy, and scale with integrated API-specific testing for CI/CD pipelines.

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"We chose the Noname API Security Platform after a proof-of-value test and we are happy that it meets our expectations of a top-notch API security solution. It is a priority for us to ensure that APIs deliver the performance and security required for compliance as well as a great digital experience for consumers."

Group Chief Technology Officer

Arivuvel Ramu

"Noname Security is the lighthouse for my AppSec team: now we know what to focus on. It’s a major data security tool for us. The deployment was very easy and they were true partners in the process. Now we can assess our risk in the most scientifically true way possible and control our destiny.”


Nir Rothenberg

"Testing during the API development process allows developers to catch vulnerabilities and flaws early. Couple that with runtime analysis, which detects threats and anomalies after deployment, and it’s a win-win. Noname Security allows you to do both in a single platform."

Practice Director, Secure DevOps

Jimmy Xu

“The Noname API Security Platform addresses the growing complexity and security concerns of API deployments. Their methodology eliminates API security threats and accelerates API velocity without introducing more complexity or risk.”


David Dean

Top API Security Use Cases

Real-Time Inventory of APIs-1
Real-Time Inventory of APIs

Discover your APIs and gain full insight into applied API security controls, data classification, connectivity, and more.

Proactive Remediation of API Misconfigurations-1
Proactive Remediation

Identify and remediate vulnerabilities, misconfiguration issues, and design flaws before they become a problem.

Block API Attacks-1
API Attack Prevention

Detect and automatically block runtime attacks. Protect against data theft, fraud, and business logic abuse.

Secure API SDLC-1

Integrate API-specific security testing for DevOps into the tools your team is already using.

Faster Incident MTTR-1
Faster Incident MTTR

Shorten exposure windows by finding and remediating API security incidents faster.

Single Source of Truth-1
Complete Visibility

Aggregate API details and provide dynamic visibility with context for IT, security, compliance, and LOB teams.