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Windows Products and Technologies History

Windows Overview & History

Published: June 30, 2003

Windows overview and history


Over the past two decades, Microsoft Windows® products have evolved from a single, one-size-fits-all desktop operating system into a diverse family of operating systems and mobile technologies. Today, Windows products help people worldwide achieve their potential at work, home, and just about anyplace in between.

This article summarizes milestones in the development of the following:

Windows desktop products

Windows 1.0 and later

Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000

Windows XP Professional

Windows XP Home

Windows XP Media Center Edition

Windows XP Tablet PC Edition

Windows technologies

Internet Explorer


Windows Media® Player

Windows Movie Maker

Windows Server products

Windows NT® Server

Windows 2000 Server Family

Windows Server™ 2003 Family

Other Windows products

Windows XP Embedded

Windows CE .NET


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