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Open Source

Maintainer spotlight: Courtney Wilburn

Maintainer spotlight: Courtney Wilburn

In the month of February, we’re featuring Black maintainers that push open source software forward. Read on to find out about Courtney Wilburn, the maintainer of three open source projects: the Green Book App, Dank Memes, and EvictionAnd.

Leithia Williams
Maintainer spotlight: William Shepherd

Maintainer spotlight: William Shepherd

In the spirit of Black History Month, throughout February we’re featuring Black maintainers who are making impactful contributions to the world through open source. William is the maintainer of GitHub…

Jessica Canepa
Release Radar · December 2017

Release Radar · December 2017

It's time to celebrate a fresh round of releases from our community—many of them 1.0s! The open source projects in this month's Release Radar are supported by the Apache foundation…

Vanessa Gennarelli
Git 2.10 has been released

Git 2.10 has been released

The open source Git project has just released Git 2.10.0, with features and bugfixes from over 70 contributors. Here's our look at some of the most interesting new features: Progress…

Jeff King
The shape of open source

The shape of open source

At its core, open source is about collaboration. Whether it's version control, licenses, or issue trackers—everything exists to support people working with each other. Open source embodies a model for…

Arfon Smith