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Jalal Mostafa jalalmostafa
Systems Research Ph.D. Candidate at KIT | Software Engineer

IPE-KIT Germany & Lebanon

sudo_bongo b0n60
“Those who can imagine anything, can create the impossible.” - Alan Turing

Scarybyte (PTY) LTD Johannesburg, South Africa

Zajic86 Zajic86
There is not just one way to any mountain

Ostrava, Czech Republic

Nicolas RUFF newsoft

Google Zürich, Switzerland


Hogwarts OrionArm

Nessie LewdDeveloper
In strength we trust
Marcos marcosrmartin
Software Engineering student at UGR

Granada University Andalusia

Lorenz Woth shm0sby
Security Enthusiast and always learning new stuff


Pierre boringthegod
Security Expert at Excellium

Excellium Services SA Luxembourg

Cybersecurity engineer - Teaching assistant - Founder of "Le Guide Du SecOps" - Author for


M matthieuop


Franck FERMAN franckferman
🛡️ Cybersecurity Per aspera ad root ⠵

Paris, France

decrypt decryptbg
Reverse Engineering

Bulgaria, Sofia

Symrak STwilight
Engineer, programmer, radio amateur

Ukraine, Kyiv

LordCasser LordCasser
Security researcher, trying to get better at Hardware and Wireless.
kn0 SpiralBL0CK
A simple beginner programmer.
When the storm comes, it turns out how many rooted trees are next to you CharonDefalt
Any misuse of the tools is the responsibility of the user and the manufacturer does not accept any responsibility
Daniel Burkholder danburkhol
Director of Engineering @ Phonism

@phonism-llc Tampa, FL

Gilbert Seilheimer gseilheimer
He is the owner of the agency CONTIC. In addition to his work as a research assistant at the Offenburg Univ., he works as a freelancer in various web projects.

CONTIC.DE Ortenaukreis

Solaris Solirs
Linux/Unix/BSD lover. Language hacker. I use Go Python Java and C/C++.

Southern France