Welcome to RESET – Digital for Good
Where digital innovation meets sustainable transformation.

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Deep Green Data Centres Heat Swimming Pools in the “Perfect Symbiotic Relationship”

Deep Green uses waste heat from its data centres to heat swimming pools, reducing their carbon emissions and keeping them afloat as energy costs soar.

Fish Doorbell in Utrecht: Why Thousands of People Are Waiting for Fish on the Internet

Fish live more safely in Utrecht thanks to a fish doorbell. The project not only helps fish on their migration paths, it also draws attention to the dangers of human infrastructure.

Civic Tech

Ways out of the Climate Crisis with Digital Civic Engagement

With the help of digital tools, citizens can uncover environmental problems, collect important data and support protective measures. In this Special Feature, we explore the question: How can civic tech solutions advance climate protection?


Satellites and Drones

Effective Helpers for Sustainable Development?

When it comes to protecting the environment and tracking changes in our climate, satellites and drones have become indispensable. If only there wasn’t the issue of all that space debris… In RESET’s latest special feature, we’ve been taking a look at the potentials – and pitfalls – of satellites and drones for a sustainable future on this planet.


Artificial Intelligence

Can Computing Power Save Our Planet?

Artificial intelligence has long since solved complex tasks and made our everyday lives easier. But do intelligent computer programmes also provide new solutions for environmental and climate protection? Here we set out to find answers to these questions.




Blockchain and Sustainable Development

How Does It Work?

Everyone is talking about blockchain and DLT. But what exactly are they and how do they work? In RESET’s latest Blockchain Special, we offer some answers to those questions and take a look at how the tech can be used for both social and ecological good.



Is Electromobility Key to a Future-Proof City?

Is the future electric? Our roads might still be dominated by conventional cars right now, but when it comes to e-mobility, there are promising developments. We looked at the current status quo, the potentials and future predictions, for an electric revolution.


Solutions and backgrounds by topic

Fish Doorbell in Utrecht: Why Thousands of People Are Waiting for Fish on the Internet

Fish live more safely in Utrecht thanks to a fish doorbell. The project not only helps fish on their migration paths, it also draws attention to the dangers of human infrastructure.
The home screen of the Well Beyond App
Well Beyond App

Well Beyond App Empowers People in Remote Kenya to Take Charge of Their Water Supply

The Well Beyond App, a mobile tool by the international non-profit Well Aware, empowers communities in East Africa with water supply maintenance skills—particularly handy in remote regions. 

eFriends – Electricity Sharing with Neighbours

At eFriends, electricity is produced and shared regionally, sustainably and at fair prices – one community, one electricity provider, one solution.

Why a Digital Twin of the Arctic Has “The Potential to be Game-Changing”

PolArctic, a start-up using modelling technology and artificial intelligence to create a digital twin of the Arctic, will map out existing climate impacts on the area – and predict new ones.

Meet the New Sound-Powered Sensor That Could Replace Batteries

Researchers in Zurich have developed sensors using sound waves, which could save 78 million batteries per year in the EU alone.
© Benjamin Lucks

The Klim Mobile App: Making Regenerative Agriculture Simple and Lucrative

In the Klim app, farms can record their regenerative agricultural measures. In return, they get knowledge, a community and funds to support their work.
Kezia Rice 2024
Benjamin Lucks

Interview with Kezia Rice, RESET’s Latest Sustainability Writer

Kezia is a freelance journalist and copy editor from the UK, specialising in topics relating to climate change and the toxicity of the fashion industry.

Data Instead of Guesswork: The Great Potential of Agricultural Monitoring

Using digital methods, researchers from Egypt have succeeded in calculating the soil quality of huge areas with 32 random samples. The project shows how important monitoring is for agriculture.

Edible Electronics: Reducing Electronic Waste With Digestible Robots and Nutritious Drones

Ever heard of edible electronics? Sounds like a contradiction in terms, but it could be a solution to reducing electronic waste, among other benefits.