DNS for Family provides free DNS servers that filter websites for family use, and enforce safe search in Google, YouTube, Bing, DuckDuckGo and Yandex. Our servers are DNSSEC ready, non-logging, and also support DNS-over-TLS, DNS-over-HTTPS, DNSCrypt v2 and IPv6. These servers primarily block porn and other adult websites, while also providing protection from malware and blocking ads, meanwhile the blacklist is updated daily, automatically! They can easily be used in any device or browser. (computer, mobile phone, browser, or Wi-Fi router).

DNS for Family has operated for more than 5years without taking any donations, but now we need your support to help keep the servers running. We have several DNS servers for different features and load balancing, and overall they process around 25million DNS queries every day from thousands of users worldwide.

You can support DNS for Family with as little as $1/month!

Collected: $
Servers cost: $30 / month
Currently blocking::
Last updated::
7th June 2024 01:02 UTC.

Check websites:
