About AIDE

AIDE (Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment, [eyd]) is a file and directory integrity checker.

What does it do?

It creates a database from the regular expression rules that it finds from the config file(s). Once this database is initialized it can be used to verify the integrity of the files. It has several message digest algorithms (see below) that are used to check the integrity of the file. All of the usual file attributes can also be checked for inconsistencies. It can read databases from older or newer versions. See the manual pages within the distribution for further info.



The current stable version of AIDE is 0.18.8
stable release aide-0.18.8.tar.gz
GPG signature aide-0.18.8.tar.gz.asc
release date 2024-05-09


AIDE is included in the following distributions. Please use the corresponding command to install AIDE. See also the output of whohas aide.

Basically AIDE runs on any modern Unix.

Please report to the issue tracker if your distribution is not listed above.


Both the source tarballs on GitHub and the tags of the git repository (since v0.16a1) are GnuPG-signed.
Since v0.16a2 the key used for signing is the GnuPG key of Hannes von Haugwitz (the current maintainer of AIDE).
The current public key can be downloaded from one of the well known PGP key servers.

The current key is:

pub   4096R/68E7B931 2011-06-28 [expires: 2025-06-27]
      Key fingerprint = 2BBB D30F AAB2 9B32 53BC  FBA6 F694 7DAB 68E7 B931
uid                  Hannes von Haugwitz <>
Please always verify the signature of a release before using it (see below).

Source tarballs

The source code of the latest stable release can be downloaded here.
Use the following command to verify the signature of the downloaded source tarball (see README file for details):
gpg --verify aide-<VERSION_NUMBER>.tar.gz.asc


The AIDE git repository can be found here.
Use the following command to verify the signature of a git tag (see README file for details):
git verify-tag v<VERSION_NUMBER>


AIDE is licensed under GPL-2.0.

Get Help

Mailing list

For questions about the usage of AIDE and announcements of final releases or other project news there is the AIDE mailing list on (Thanks to Rami Lehti for maintaining it).


There is a discussion channel #aide on for questions about the usage and discussions about the development of AIDE.

Issues, Feature requests and pull requests

Submit an issue on GitHub

Who's behind AIDE?

AIDE was originally written by Rami Lehti and Pablo Virolainen in 1999.
Between 2003 and 2010 it was maintained by Richard van den Berg.
In October 2010 Hannes von Haugwitz took over the project.
For the mail addresses of the authors please see the AUTHORS file.